Charity program


We give an opportunity to those who do not have the possibilities


We need everyone’s help for a unique project: help those who have talent and the desire to emerge but not the economic means. The humanitarian association I TENNIS FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization created for humanitarian purposes only by a group of professionals, managers and operators in the medical-sports-educational world.

The goal is to provide children from less privileged families with sports training on par with their more fortunate peers.

The most talented children will have the opportunity to emerge in the sports field and in life.

At our side there are extraordinary people who have written and are writing the history of tennis: Emilio Sanchez, Ivan Ljubicic, Gipo Arbino, Francesca Schiavone, Omar Camporese, Lorenzo Sonego, Lorenzo Musetti, Jasmine Paolini, Elisabetta Cocciaretto, Matteo Arnaldi, Marco Panichi, Stefano Massari and many others..

And we would like also like you to be there, with a small but decisive contribution to our goal.

TOGETHER WE WILL WRITE THE HISTORY OF THIS SPORT allowing the young and talented tennis players to continue pursuing their dreams!

Conditions for donations

Bank transfer, Paypal and Satispay

You can help the young Ukrainian girls through 4 types of donations:
Donor friend € 1.000 / € 500 / € 250 / € 100
Afterwards send us an e-mail to and you will receive an invitation to the project presentation event in Turin during the week of the Nitto ATP Finals.

With a transfer to the account in the name of ASSOCIAZIONE I TENNIS with IBAN code: IT60D08487010000260102127(Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Cherasco – Soc. Coop., Turin branch)

Click on the buttons below to proceed with the donation through PayPal (credit card) and Satispay.